Law Firm Tips Archives - Lockton Affinity Lawyer

Top 10 Best Practices New Year’s Resolutions for Lawyers

Originally published December 20, 2019. Last updated December 27, 2024.

This time of year, many lawyers are reflecting on the past year’s wins and losses. You may wonder how to make next year even better. Few New Year’s resolutions will be more impactful than those you make to protect your future. Secure a brighter future for your professional reputation and law career

December 27th, 2024|Law Firm Tips|

Cannabis Law: Can Cannabis Clients Result in an Ethics Claim?

Today more than ever, lawyers face an unusual risk dealing with the ethical complexities of cannabis law. Dozens of states have legalized certain cannabis products, creating a new industry in need of professional legal services.

However, marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. Here’s what to know about cannabis clients and where cannabis law stands for lawyers today.

Cannabis Clients of the Past

Not too

May 19th, 2023|Law Firm Tips|

2023 CLE Webinars for Lawyers

Continuing legal education (CLE) is a powerful tool that helps lawyers minimize the risk of a malpractice claim. Participating in CLE activities also helps ensure you meet your state requirements and may even save you money on your insurance premiums.

Lockton Affinity Lawyer is lucky to have an extensive network of carrier partners attentive to the CLE needs of legal professionals, among them,

February 16th, 2023|Law Firm Tips|

8 Nontraditional Legal Malpractice Risks

Most malpractice claims involve a client suing their lawyer, but that’s not always the case. Nontraditional legal malpractice claims can also go far beyond the usual allegations of a missed statute of limitations deadline, failure to correctly interpret the law or breach of contract.

Other risks exist that can put your future in jeopardy, particularly because many attorneys will look at a nontraditional

December 15th, 2022|Law Firm Tips|

The Risk of Incivility in the Practice of Law

Everyone has had bad days and said something they later regret. However, for lawyers and law firms, incivility carries added risk—especially when the behavior becomes habitual.

Incivility in the practice of law can lead to adverse outcomes in case matters, accusations of legal malpractice, claims of ethics violations, hostile workplace cultures, adverse health effects and a generalized lowering of the public’s esteem for

June 9th, 2022|Law Firm Tips|

Misappropriation of Client Funds Risks for Lawyers

Many courts view the misappropriation of client funds as one of the most serious forms of professional misconduct. While many attorneys would prefer to direct most of their focus to their performance in the courtroom, serious consequences can result from accounting mistakes and inaccuracies, even when there has been no intent to deceive or defraud a client.

Attorneys are held to a high

February 28th, 2022|Law Firm Tips|

Professional Liability Claims: The Dangers of Providing Free Legal Advice for Friends

As an attorney, it’s not unusual for friends and family to reach out to you for help with some fast and free legal advice. While it may seem natural to use your knowledge to help answer their questions, it’s a situation that could end in a lawsuit without the proper protections.

Attorneys are held to high standards of professionalism that apply even when

September 28th, 2021|Law Firm Tips, Professional liability insurance|

Avoiding Fee Suits: What to Do if You’re Not Getting Paid

As a lawyer, you’ve likely encountered a situation where a client hasn’t paid their bill and wondered what you should do. Instinctively, many consider a fee suit. However, avoiding fee suits can be best, depending on the situation. Many accounts receivable disputes can be resolved before such measures are necessary. In other cases, filing suit against a client results in a burdensome

November 18th, 2020|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

Family Law Risk Management Tips

The number of legal malpractice claims targeting family law practitioners is on the rise. The highly emotional and stressful nature of family matters means clients are more likely to pursue a claim over a real or perceived legal error. Recognizing the potential pitfalls can help lawyers and law firms minimize the risk of incurring a family law malpractice claim. Along with professionalism

May 11th, 2020|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

Staying Connected and Productive During Social Distancing

Social distancing guidelines have altered the normal course of business for many professionals, including lawyers. While legal work continues, communication challenges and the unexpected free time have thrown many for a loop. Staying active and discovering ways to reach out to clients and coworkers can help. Here are 7 tips for staying connected and productive during social distancing orders.

Stay Current on Court

May 11th, 2020|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|