Affinity Group Insurance Trends & Solutions | Lockton Affinity

What to Do About a Pending Malpractice Claim

For lawyers, facing a pending malpractice claim is daunting, especially if you aren’t sure what you should and should not do next. Some attorneys can respond in ways that make matters worse. Yet considering all the available benefits of professional liability coverage, there’s no need to do yourself this disservice. Even though the situation can be unnerving, there are steps you can

December 20th, 2019|Attorney Protective|

Improving Client Screening and Intake Practices

Another year is ending and a new one is just around the corner. For lawyers, now is a great time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to current firm practices, specifically your prospective client intake procedures.

A little time spent reviewing and improving client screening and intake practices now could save you valuable time and help avoid unnecessary

November 13th, 2019|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|

Managing the Risk of Conflicts of Interest

For attorneys, conflicts of interest allegations can lead to several undesirable outcomes, whether a formal malpractice claim, costly litigation, disciplinary issue, or problems with insurance. It’s a situation best avoided.

Yet recent studies of attorney malpractice claims indicate that conflicts of interest allegations are on the rise. While some claims assert an attorney had divided loyalties, others contend there were adverse interest issues.

November 13th, 2019|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

Tips for Texting Clients

Like most people today, lawyers are rarely more than an arm’s reach from their cell phone. You may have even made a habit of giving your clients your cell phone number and allowing them to call or text you at any time.

Texting clients can help facilitate scheduling, reminders and quick communications, while also giving clients a positive impression that a lawyer is

October 22nd, 2019|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

CLE Webinars and Risk Management

Sometimes it seems the work of a lawyer is never done. You dive into your studies, work long hours in your practice and yet you also must complete the minimum number of mandatory continuing legal education (CLE) credits for your jurisdiction either annually or biennially. It can be a challenge to stay on top of it all, but your CLE is incredibly

October 16th, 2019|Attorney Protective|

Announcing a New Risk Management Offering for Swiss Re Insureds

Like many lawyers, you and your law firm have worked hard to build a great reputation. Yet in today’s world, information travels farther and faster than ever before, causing many to be concerned about the rising risk of reputational damage. Moreover, when it comes to unexpected publicity or press inquiries, lawyers and law firms are often unsure how best to respond —

September 5th, 2019|Insurance, Swiss Re|

How to Handle a Negative Review

Imagine you have just discovered that a former client with past-due legal fees has posted an inaccurate and negative review of your firm on a popular social media site. They tagged your business page in the post and people are commenting and sharing the post. What should you do?

Many people’s first instinct is to act to defend themselves from these online mischaracterizations.

September 5th, 2019|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|

Why Swiss Re Corporate Solutions?

When shopping for professional liability insurance for your law firm, ensure you are getting the best possible protection for your assets and reputation. At Lockton Affinity, we have built an extensive network of reliable, financially stable and highly rated carrier partners—among them, Swiss Re.

In addition to competitive premiums, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions excels when it comes to longevity, financial strength, claims handling,

August 21st, 2019|Insurance, Swiss Re|

How Lawyers Can Benefit from Social Media

According to the latest research, a lot of lawyers are now using social media for career and client development,1 and you might be one of them.

As social media becomes a key means of communication and advertising within the legal field, you and your firm have a unique responsibility. Ethics committees are turning more attention to what lawyers are posting online, but this

August 21st, 2019|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|

Risk Management for the Defense Attorney

Recently, the legal malpractice industry has seen an uptick in claims filed against defense attorneys. Some of these claims are of high severity, resulting in seven figure settlements or verdicts.

What is responsible for this new development and how can defense attorneys guard against it?

Why Claims Against Defense Attorneys are Increasing

Traditionally, defense work supported by institutional clients drew relatively few malpractice claims. Institutional

July 17th, 2019|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|