Affinity Group Insurance Trends & Solutions | Lockton Affinity

Fake Client and Counterfeit Check Scams Affecting Law Firms

The threats facing the law profession continue to evolve. Most recently, some lawyers and law firms have faced fake client and counterfeit check scams.

The scheme has resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the trust fund accounts of law practices, and some lawyers have faced claims, lawsuits and fines from banks, clients and regulators.

Worst of all, not all

November 18th, 2020|Attorney Protective, Cyber Security|

Avoiding Fee Suits: What to Do if You’re Not Getting Paid

As a lawyer, you’ve likely encountered a situation where a client hasn’t paid their bill and wondered what you should do. Instinctively, many consider a fee suit. However, avoiding fee suits can be best, depending on the situation. Many accounts receivable disputes can be resolved before such measures are necessary. In other cases, filing suit against a client results in a burdensome

November 18th, 2020|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

How a Business Owner’s Policy Protects Your Law Firm

Imagine the consequences for your law firm if there were a serious accident, fire or theft at the office. As a lawyer you know personal injury lawsuits are costly, stressful and time consuming, and theft, fire and other disasters can impact your ability to serve clients and run your business.

Insurance protection against these risks isn’t just nice to have, it’s critical for

July 17th, 2020|Attorney Protective, Insurance|

Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Law Firms and Lawyers

Law firms and lawyers often deal with workers’ compensation issues from the position of counsel representing an injured worker or their employer. But what if one of your own workers were seriously injured in a slip-and-fall accident?

For law firms with employees, workers’ compensation is not just an area of practice, it’s also legally required for doing business in most states. Without the

July 17th, 2020|Insurance, Swiss Re|

Family Law Risk Management Tips

The number of legal malpractice claims targeting family law practitioners is on the rise. The highly emotional and stressful nature of family matters means clients are more likely to pursue a claim over a real or perceived legal error. Recognizing the potential pitfalls can help lawyers and law firms minimize the risk of incurring a family law malpractice claim. Along with professionalism

May 11th, 2020|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

Staying Connected and Productive During Social Distancing

Social distancing guidelines have altered the normal course of business for many professionals, including lawyers. While legal work continues, communication challenges and the unexpected free time have thrown many for a loop. Staying active and discovering ways to reach out to clients and coworkers can help. Here are 7 tips for staying connected and productive during social distancing orders.

Stay Current on Court

May 11th, 2020|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|

Top 10 Best Practices New Year’s Resolutions for Lawyers

This time of year, many lawyers are reflecting on the wins and losses of the past year. You may wonder how to make next year even better. Few New Year’s resolutions will be more impactful than those you make to protect your future. Secure a brighter future for your professional reputation and law career next year with these top 10 best practices

December 20th, 2019|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|

What to Do About a Pending Malpractice Claim

For lawyers, facing a pending malpractice claim is daunting, especially if you aren’t sure what you should and should not do next. Some attorneys can respond in ways that make matters worse. Yet considering all the available benefits of professional liability coverage, there’s no need to do yourself this disservice. Even though the situation can be unnerving, there are steps you can

December 20th, 2019|Attorney Protective|

Improving Client Screening and Intake Practices

Another year is ending and a new one is just around the corner. For lawyers, now is a great time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to current firm practices, specifically your prospective client intake procedures.

A little time spent reviewing and improving client screening and intake practices now could save you valuable time and help avoid unnecessary

November 13th, 2019|Attorney Protective, Law Firm Tips|

Managing the Risk of Conflicts of Interest

For attorneys, conflicts of interest allegations can lead to several undesirable outcomes, whether a formal malpractice claim, costly litigation, disciplinary issue, or problems with insurance. It’s a situation best avoided.

Yet recent studies of attorney malpractice claims indicate that conflicts of interest allegations are on the rise. While some claims assert an attorney had divided loyalties, others contend there were adverse interest issues.

November 13th, 2019|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|