Law firm risks Archives - Lockton Affinity Lawyer

Top Cyber Breaches of 2023

Cyber breaches were in the news a lot in 2023. In fact, 2023 was one of the most significant years on record for cybersecurity incidents. Even if you and your law firm didn’t have a hack, you may have still felt an impact.

With everything from common office tools to telecom services, hotel check-ins and even cleaning supplies targeted by hackers, it turns

June 29th, 2024|Cyber Security, Law firm risks|

Policy Limit Demands: Could Leaving a Voicemail Lead to a Malpractice Claim?

A claimant’s policy limit demand may set an attorney up to fail in hopes of a larger payday. Small mistakes could constitute a rejection, which opens an attorney up to a malpractice claim.

Prior claims can help offer insight into what to do and what not to do. Here’s what to know about policy limit demands, the most common pitfalls to watch out

July 26th, 2023|Law firm risks|