November 2020 - Lockton Affinity Lawyer

Fake Client and Counterfeit Check Scams Affecting Law Firms

The threats facing the law profession continue to evolve. Most recently, some lawyers and law firms have faced fake client and counterfeit check scams.

The scheme has resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the trust fund accounts of law practices, and some lawyers have faced claims, lawsuits and fines from banks, clients and regulators.

Worst of all, not all

November 18th, 2020|Attorney Protective, Cyber Security|

Avoiding Fee Suits: What to Do if You’re Not Getting Paid

As a lawyer, you’ve likely encountered a situation where a client hasn’t paid their bill and wondered what you should do. Instinctively, many consider a fee suit. However, avoiding fee suits can be best, depending on the situation. Many accounts receivable disputes can be resolved before such measures are necessary. In other cases, filing suit against a client results in a burdensome

November 18th, 2020|Law Firm Tips, Swiss Re|